Friday 7 May 2010

Interduction To 3ds Max Matirial Editar

You can Learn " 3ds Max Matirial Editar" In this sinhala Video

  1. Create a sphere
  2. Create a Matirial
  3. Apply to Matrial to the Sphere

Create a Table using 3ds Max

You can Learn "How toCreate a Basic Table Using 3ds Max in sinhala

  1. Create a Box
  2. Editable Poly
  3. Extrude Box
  4. Finished

Create a Basic Chair Using 3ds Max

You can Learn "How toCreate a Basic Chair Using 3ds Max in sinhala

  1. Create a Box
  2. Editable Poly
  3. Extrude Box
  4. Finished

Interduction To 3ds Max

You can Learn 3ds max Interduction in this Video. Doanload it


  1. Basic of the 3ds Max (sinhala Mideum)
  • Interface of the 3ds Max
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